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Location of Aditya Resort

Aditya puts you at the heart of a fascinating corner of the island. By day, you could be meditating at an age-old village temple. By night you might be gyrating to 21st century techno at a beachside club.

The historic fort city of Galle, the enchanting Madu River and the hip surf and coral gardens of Hikkaduwa are just a short drive away.

For a truly memorable experience, you can visit the nearby turtle hatchery. There you can watch hundreds of turtle hatchlings as they scamper across the sands to meet their watery destiny.

Visit us between November to March and we’ll set you up for a high seas adventure where you’ll get close up and personal with majestic whales and playful dolphins.

Enjoy all these at one of the best five-star hotels in Hikkaduwa.

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